Toyota air conditioner or heat does not work

Toyota's climate control system is designed to make operation as comfortable as possible, but for this it must receive appropriate care and maintenance, not occasionally, but regularly. Otherwise, its breakdowns cannot be avoided. For example, the air conditioner fan may fail, which is why it will be not only hot or cold in the cabin, but also noisy.

Why does the stove / air conditioner fan break down?

The technical features of Toyota fans are such that after a certain time they may fail and require repair or replacement. If this is not done, the air conditioner will not cool, and the stove will not heat up, which will make the driver and passengers feel uncomfortable. Do not forget that the stove fan provides blowing of the glass, excluding their fogging in the spring-autumn period and providing the desired view. Why does the fan break?

  • A short circuit has occurred in the circuit, causing the fuse responsible for its operation to blow;
  • The radiator is covered with a layer of scale and needs to be cleaned;
  • The ignition relay has malfunctioned;
  • The thermostat is stuck open, so the coolant flows only in a large circle;
  • A motor or bearing that powers the fan has failed.

The fan should be repaired as soon as possible: not only because it is impossible to start the heating or air conditioning system, but also because a faulty element can lead to failure of the heater speed regulator. It will start to overheat due to insufficient cooling, and its soldering will begin to crack. Result: floating speed when the stove is turned on.

Now hot or cold air from the stove (air conditioner) Toyota

From time to time, Toyota owners are faced with malfunctioning air conditioning and heating systems. The latter are manifested by the fact that when the stove is turned on, cold air blows, and the air conditioner, on the contrary, is hot. It also happens that the air does not warm up or does not cool to the desired temperature, regardless of the settings.

Causes of stove / air conditioner malfunctions

The above signs indicate a failure of the stove valves. It has a rather complex device and performs an important function - it regulates the amount of antifreeze passing through the radiator. It is a solenoid inductor with a cone at the end that covers the circuit of the system.


Needless to say that any violation of its operation will manifest itself as too large or, conversely, a small supply of coolant and the inability to achieve the desired temperature in the cabin? The most common valve failures are:

  • Blocking them in the extreme position, provoking antifreeze leakage;
  • Bursts of electrical wiring that feeds them;
  • Breaks in the wiring supplying the climate control module.

Unpleasant smell from the stove (air conditioner) Toyota

An unpleasant smell from a Toyota stove / air conditioner is not uncommon when starting the climate control system on cars that have been in operation for more than 12 months. During operation, condensation appears on the evaporator, which attracts dust: the environment formed as a result is favorable for the development of pathogenic bacteria and the appearance of an unpleasant odor in the cabin. This can happen regardless of the season and climatic conditions and requires appropriate work.

Reasons for the appearance of an unpleasant odor

As mentioned, the humid, polluted environment of the climate control system is ideal for the development of pathogens. They multiply in the drainage system, if it is clogged, in a dirty filter and evaporator. Inhalation of such air is not only unpleasant, but also unsafe, as it can cause:

  • allergic rhinitis;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes;
  • sensations of perspiration and sore throat;
  • development of pathologies of the respiratory tract.

Complex measures aimed at replacing a clogged filter and carrying out antibacterial treatment of the system and air ducts allow solving problems. If necessary, mechanical cleaning of the evaporator may be required.

Toyota air conditioner does not work

Toyota vehicles are renowned for the high level of comfort they provide to the driver and passengers. One of its important components is the climate control and air conditioning system. They require regular professional maintenance to function smoothly and efficiently. Otherwise, discomfort due to the fact that the air conditioner does not work cannot be avoided.

Why isn't the Toyota air conditioner working?

The efficient and uninterrupted operation of the air conditioner is determined by the quality and regularity of its maintenance and refueling with Freon. Good service also requires timely replacement of consumables and cleaning of the entire system. Complex measures exclude breakdowns, and their absence leads to the fact that the air conditioner stops working altogether or does not work properly, delivering a lot of uncomfortable sensations to the driver and passengers. The reasons for these phenomena are as follows:

  • Failure of the compressor;
  • Leakage of refrigerant;
  • Damage to the start button or wiring;
  • Clogged control holes;
  • Failure of the control valve;
  • Failure of fans and pressure sensor.
Comments: 2
  • #2

    yARS (Wednesday, 21 August 2024 22:52)

    Air conditioner electricity

  • #1

    Angel (Tuesday, 13 February 2024 08:58)

    Very instructive guides !